Free Download MySQL database management system


        MySQL is a database management system (database management) using the basic command of SQL (Structured Query Language) which is quite well known. This multi-user and multi-flow MySQL database management system (DBMS) has been used by more than 6 million users worldwide.

     MySQL is an open source DBMS with two license forms, namely Free Software (free software) and Shareware (proprietary software with limited use). So MySQL is a free database server with the GNU General Public License (GPL) so you can use it for personal or commercial purposes without having to pay for an existing license. As mentioned above, MySQL is included in the RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) type. Therefore, terms such as rows, columns, tables, are used in MySQL

 Title   :  MySQL

version   : 5.5.13

Operating system : Windows

Kategori   : Programing,

Size   : 31.51 MB

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